Classes and Levels

Our class times are subject to availability, but general class hours are:

Little Wonders (6 months - pre school)

6 months - 3 Years of Age

Mon – Sat 8:30am-12pm

Little Wonders 01

Little Wonders 01


  • Aged 6-12 Months old. 

  • Group classes of up to 8.


In our Little Wonders 01 class we focus on creating a positive connection between your baby and the water. There are lots of fun songs to make learning to swim fun for you and your baby. We spend a lot of time teaching you and your baby to prepare for submerging through conditioning and teaching breath control above the water. Only when you and your baby are comfortable will we begin submerging and extending their underwater skills. As your baby grows and becomes more mobile, we teach the beginnings of propulsion through kicking and paddling skills. Most importantly, we begin the process of teaching your baby the basic elements of being safe around water. What you and your baby learn in Our Learn to Swim program can even be transferred to the bath or pool for practice at home!


Babies will move into the Little Wonders 02 class once they turn 12 months old and can demonstrate the following abilities:

  • Are comfortable with water on their face.

  • Can display basic mobility skills in the water.


Little Wonders 02

Little Wonders 02


  • Ages 1-2 Years.
  • Group class of up to 8


Our Little Wonders 02 class aims to advance your child’s breath control skills, extending their breath holding for over 5 seconds. Children will focus on learning to be comfortable floating on their back, safe exits in and out of the water, kicking and paddling on cue and when submerged. This level has an extended focus on gripping and vertical turning as part of key water safety skills, developed and added to at every level within our Learn to Swim Program.

Children will move into the Little Wonders 03 class once they are 2 years old and can demonstrate the following abilities:

  • Can kick legs when submerged.
  • Comfortable with water on their face.
  • Can float on back with or without support.
  • Can hold breath for up to or equal to 5 seconds.
  • Can vertically turn front to back with assistance.
  • Can kick legs when cued.
  • Can blow bubbles when cued.
  • Can enter and exit the pool safely.


Little Wonders 03

Little Wonders 03
  • Aged 2-3 Years
  • Group class of up to 8

Continued water familiarisation and breath control techniques. Building on your child’s natural buoyancy skills and independent floating with and without your help! Extending your baby’s natural grasp ability to teach them to hold on to you in water and the side of the pool, or to a safe exit. Learning to kick and paddle on cue and to understand that either is needed for your child to move through water. Opportunities for your child to swim independently. Learning vertical turns back to you and the wall as part of water safety.


Children will progress into our Little Wonders 04 class once they turn 3 years old and can demonstrate the following abilities:

  • Comfortable with water on face.
  • Can float and kick on back with support.
  • Can blow bubbles.
  • Can swim independently to a teacher or parent.
  • Can hold breath comfortably for a minimum of 5 seconds.
  • Can vertically turn front to back with/without assistance.
  • Has basic arm movements which can propel them through the water.
  • Can monkey along the wall independently.
  • Can safely enter and exit the pool independently. 


Little Wonders 04

Little Wonders 04

  • Aged 2.5- 4 Years
  • Group class of up to 4 children
  • Independent swimmers
  • Able to be safe and comfortable in the water without a parent


Our Little Wonders 04 class is for children who have been swimming in the Little Wonders 03 class or have had previous lessons, and have displayed an ability to follow instructions, as well as a high level of confidence in the water. Children Little Wonders 04 level are swimming without a parent in the water. The focus of this class is on independent swimming through kicking and paddling. Your child will also be introduced to equipment such as kickboards and noodles. Water safety elements include treading water and independent safety falls and recovery. We aim for children who graduate from this class progress directly into a level 01


Children will progress into the Level 01 class once they turn 4 and can consistently demonstrate the following abilities:

  • Can accept water, blow bubbles and comfortable without a parent in the water.
  • Can comfortably kick and float on their back with little support.
  • Can jump and submerge independently.
  • Can do a safe exit and entry independently.
  • Can hold breath comfortably for a more than 10 seconds.
  • Can monkey along the wall to safety independently.
  • Can propel through the water using arms and kicks independently.


Level 1-3 (beginners)

4+ Years of Age

Mon – Sat 8:30am-12:30pm

Mon – Fri 4pm-6.30pm 

Level 01

Level 01

  • 4+ Years
  • Group class of up to 5 children


Our Level 01 class is all about building confidence in and around the water. Perfect for children who may have never done lessons before. This class focuses on giving the child the tools to submerge comfortably and propel through the water by kicking and paddling. We teach the basics of water safety, including safe entries and exits. When the swimmer is ready to move to level 02, they will be confidently swimming under the water,  beginning to kick on their front and back and floating with support.


Children will progress into the Level 02 class once they can demonstrate the following:

  • Identify where water can be found around the home.
  • Identify safe areas for entering and exiting the water.
  • Enter and exit the water. 
  • Float on front and back using a buoyant aid.
  • Kick on front and back using a buoyant aid.
  • Glide on front and back with buoyant aid.
  • Move 5 metres continuously using arms and legs. 
  • Submerge full body underwater and blow bubbles. 
  • Identify people who can help in an emergency.


Level 02

Level 02

  • 4+ Years 
  • Group class of up to 5 children


Our Level 02 class continues the journey of confidence and swimming skills. Progressing swimmers floating on front and back, sculling and kicking. Swimmers begin forming basic freestyle and backstroke. Water safety elements become more advanced with children learning to tread water and perform rescues and develop water safety awareness.


Children will progress into the Level 03 class once they can  demonstrate the following abilities:

  • Identify dangers in aquatic environments around the home.
  • Slide in entry and exit.
  • Float on front and back and recover.
  • Tread water using a buoyant aid.
  • Fit a lifejacket and float. 
  • Swim 7 metres basic freestyle.
  • Glide on front and back kick and recover.  
  • Submerge to recover an object from chest deep water. 
  • Identify different ways to get help.
  • Be pulled to safety with an aid.
  • Float with a buoyant aid.
  • Perform a survival sequence to simulate an accidental entry (fall).  

Level 03

Level 03

  • 4+ years 
  • Class of up to 5 children


The level 03 class sees the introduction of bilateral breathing while swimming freestyle. This level also covers more advanced elements of backstroke and freestyle with students starting to swim the strokes independently. Breaststroke kick is introduced in this level. Further water safety knowledge is developed including problem solving and implementing survival techniques over distances. 


Children will progress into the level 04 class once they can consistently demonstrate the following abilities:

  • Identify rules for safe behaviour in and around home aquatic environments.
  • Fall in entry and recover. 
  • Float on back for 30 seconds.
  • Tread water for 30 seconds.
  • Swim 10-15 metres freestyle with breathing. 
  • Swim 10-15 metres backstroke. 
  • Swim 10-15 metres survival backstroke kick. 
  • Swim through a submerged obstacle. 
  • Identify people and actions to help in an aquatic emergency.
  • Be rescued with a buoyant aid.
  • Perform a survival sequence to simulate an accidental entry. 





Level 4-9 (intermediate - advanced)

4+ Years of Age

Mon – Fri 4pm-6.30pm  

Sat 8:30am-12pm

Level 04

Level 04

  • 4+ Years
  • Group class of up to 5 students.


The level 04 class is the first level that sees students swim the full length of the pool. We continue to fine-tune freestyle and backstroke techniques while developing breaststroke kick and the introduction of breaststroke arms. Water safety concepts are extended in this class with students learning survival strokes and rescues. By the time your child is ready to move up from this level, they will be swimming freestyle and backstroke confidently, survival backstroke and breaststroke.



Students will progress into a level 05 class when they can demonstrate the following:

  • Identify aquatic environments.
  • Step in entry. 
  • Float on front and back in deep water and recover. 
  • Orientate the body using rotation skills.
  • Swim 15-25 metres freestyle.
  • Swim 15-25 metres backstroke.
  • Swim 10-25 metres survival backstoke. 
  • Swim 10-25 metres backstroke kick.
  • Surface dive and recover an object from shoulder deep water. 
  • Recognise an emergency and call for help.
  • Talk rescue.

Level 05

Level 05

  • 4+ Years 
  • Group class of up to 5 students. 

Our Level 05 class is all about advanced stroke correction. Freestyle and backstroke are fine-tuned, and timing becomes an important element of breaststroke. Students also begin to learn the basics of butterfly and extend the distance over which they can swim freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and survival backstroke. By the time the student progresses to a Level 05 class, they will be confidently swimming all four strokes.


Students will progress into a level 06 class when they can demonstrate the following:

  • Compact jump.
  • Head-first and feet-first sculling.
  • Float, scull or tread water wearing a lifejacket.
  • Swim 25-50 metres freestyle.
  • Swim 25-50 metres backstroke.
  • Swim 15-25 metres survival backstroke.
  • Swim 15-25 basic breaststroke. 
  • Recognise and support an emergency. 
  • Reach rescue using a ridged and non-ridged aid.
  • Perform a survival sequence with a buoyant aid.

Level 06

Level 06

  • 4+ Years
  • Group class of up to 6 students. 




Students will progress to a Level 07 class when the can demonstrate the following:

  • Identify and describe hazards in aquatic environments.
  • Stride in entry.
  • Float, scull or tread water for 1 minute. 
  • Swim 50-100 metres freestyle.
  • Swim 50-100 metres backstroke.
  • Swim 25-50 metres survival backstroke.
  • Swim 25-50 metres breaststroke. 
  • Swim 15 metres dolphin kick. 
  • Surface dive, swim underwater for at least 1 metre and recover an object from shoulder deep water.
  • Throw rescue 5 metres using a buoyant aid.
  • Perform a survival sequence without a buoyant aid.

Level 07

Level 07


Students will progress into a level 08 class when they can demonstrate the following:

  • Understand and follow safety rules for aquatic environments.
  • Dive in entry.
  • Enter and exit the water in a range of environments wearing light clothing.
  • Float, scull or tread water for 2 minutes and signal for help.
  • Swim 100-150 metres freestyle.
  • Swim 100-150 metres backstroke.
  • Swim 100-150 metres survival backstroke.
  • Swim 100 metres survival breaststroke. 
  • Surface dive, swim underwater for up to 3 metres and search to recover an object in deep water.
  • Respond to an emergency and perform a primary assessment.
  • Throw rescue 10 metres using weighted and unweighted rope.
  • Perform a survival sequence wearing light clothing.

Junior Squad & Senior Squad 

Junior Squad - Mon - 6:30pm

Senior Squad - Mon - 7:15

From our Learn to Swim program to progressing through to our squad classes, students can smoothly transition with us. Our partnership with Wangaratta Amateurs Swim Club provides a great pathway into competitive swimming!

Whether you're a seasoned swimmer or dipping your toes into squad sessions for the first time, our squad is a welcoming community dedicated to helping each member reach their full potential.

The Squads focus on improving Cardiovascular Endurance, Improving Speed and introducing swimmers to squad styled sessions without the pressure of competitions. 


We run our classes to coincide with Victorian school terms, but you can enrol your child ANYTIME!

Term 1 29 January 2024 - 30 March 2024

Term 2 15 April 2024 - 29 June 2024

Term 3 15 July 2024 - 21 September 2024

Term 4 7 October 2024 – 21 December 2024