Service updates Stay up to date on what's happening in and around the centre 7 days a week. Receive a notification of service updates via SMS.
Open Hours We're looking forward to seeing you! We have general hours that the Centre is open, plus special a 24/7 gym members access. Our pools availability are subject to change due to lifeguard availability and bookings.
Lost and Found If you've lost something at WSAC, please fill out the form to help us reconnect you with your belongingsLost property will be held for two weeks. After this period, valuable items like phones, wallets, and keys will be handed over to Victoria Police. Clothing and other appropriate items will be donated. Perishable or unhygienic items will not be retained.
Café Enjoy a coffee or something to eat after your workout, your little ones swimming lesson or swim!
Child Safety and Wellbeing The safety of children and young people is everyone’s responsibility.All children and young people who attend services, events, programs and community spaces have the right to feel safe and be heard.If a child is in immediate danger call the police on 000 (triple zero).To report concerns about the safety of a child contact the Child Protection Crisis Line on 131 278 (24 hours, 7 days a week,